If your registration was confirmed via email, then we’ve held your spot for Indoor Cycling Training at Wheel & Sprocket. Please send a check or use the PayPal buttons below to complete your registration.
Note: Make a trip to Wheel & Sprocket before the first day of class to ensure your bike is ready to ride on the trainers. You may require additional equipment. For your safety and to maximize your experience, get the most out of your training time and limit your frustration, we recommend you have your bike looked over by a mechanic to ensure it is working optimally. Please arrive at least 15 minutes before your class begins to get organized ad attach your bike to the trainer. We will begin class promptly at 5:30pm.
What to Bring
- bike – checked-over by W&S staff and tested for connectivity to the trainers
- 2 large water bottles
- riding clothing for the warm indoor environment
- towels – you will sweat! please bring enough to stay comfortable and to wipe down your station
- motivation to work hard!